Thursday, May 27, 2010

Jerry Rankin and Spiritual Warfare

Over at his blog, Dr. Rankin has posted a couple of articles on spiritual warfare. Considering this guy has been leading the world's largest mission organization for the past several years, I am assuming he knows what he is talking about. Satan hates missions!

I think it would serve the church well to read and heed what Dr. Rankin writes and suggests.

You can read the first post here and the most recent post here.

From the first post:

"However, Satan has discovered that his most effective strategy is to attack the church—God’s people. If he can’t keep nations closed to the gospel, keep people groups hidden from our awareness or defeat the cause of Christ with persecution, all he has to do is to convince Christians that missions is optional and is only for an elite few who are called as missionaries. If he can get churches to become self-centered and ingrown to the neglect of missions, erode their faith and spiritual vitality, he has found a way to deprive God of being exalted and glorified among the nations.

"Satan is content for us to gather and worship in our isolated fortresses as long as we don’t live the kind of Christian life out in the marketplace that would attract people to Jesus Christ. As long as our witness doesn’t go beyond the parking lot, Satan’s dominions of darkness around the world are quite secure. It is so easy for him to convince us our only responsibility is our own community where we live, so we put most of our budget on nurturing and caring for the fellowship of the redeemed and there is not much left with which to do missions."

Two Redesigned Web-Sites of Interest


Together for Adoption has a newly designed web-site here.

Eternal Perspectives Ministries (Randy Alcorn) has a newly developed web-site here.

Why David Platt Wholeheartedly Supports the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force's Recommendations

Read it here.

A portion:

"For this reason, precisely because of the influence of Southern Baptists on my life, I am not interested in what is best for the Southern Baptist Convention. No, I was created for and called to something much greater than this. We were all created for and called to something much greater than this. We have been placed in a world with nearly 7 billion people comprising over 16,000 people groups. Over 6,000 of those people groups still have little to no access to the gospel, and my Savior (our Savior) has commanded us to take the gospel to every single one of those people groups. He has not just said, “Get the gospel to as many people as you can.” He has said, clearly and unmistakably, “Make disciples of all the people groups.” Therefore, the energies of my life and the resources of the church I lead must be radically committed to making disciples in Birmingham, AL, who are taking the gospel to as many of those 6,000 people groups as we possibly can. That is where my allegiance lies. That is where Southern Baptists have taught me my allegiance should be."

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! May his tribe increase.

Amy Henry on Parental Blindspots

I am not sure who Amy Henry is, but she writes for World magazine. I love World magazine, therefore, I am a fan of Amy Henry. She recently wrote a short, great article on parental blindspots. Very, very good read.

You can read the entire article here.

A portion:

"I can’t think of a single family, mine included, who doesn’t have blind spots. Those who insist they don’t are probably the most blind. Christianity doesn’t excuse us and may even make us more unaware of our weaknesses. Ever had some kid walk into your house, take one look at your TV and say, “People who watch movies are going to hell,” while his mother looks on with an expression on her face that says, “I am SO proud of his ability to call a spade a spade”?

"If we care about our kids, if we care about being the aroma of Christ in this world, it would behoove us to gird our loins and find out where our blind spots are. We need to be big boys and girls and have the courage to ask those closest to us if they’ve noticed anything we need to work on as parents, any gaps in our discipline, what ugly traits they consistently see in our children."

Monday, May 24, 2010

WBC's Day of Prayer and Fasting for World Evangelization and Uruguay

As I mentioned yesterday during announcements, the International Mission Board (IMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) challenged churches to pray and fast for world evangelization this past Sunday, May 23rd, 2010 (the day of Pentecost). This call for SBC churches was off my radar, so I didn't emphasize it or plan for it. Being that we are praying and fasting for Uruguay tomorrow, I encourage as many WBCers as possible to also pray and fast for world evangelization.

The official site for this via the IMB is here.

Some specific prayer requests are posted here.

Some facts about the day are found here.

Some information about fasting is found here.

I would encourage you to read through the recently proposed recommendation to the SBC by the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force and pray through it for God to use Southern Baptists in the most effective and efficient way possible to penetrate the lostness around the world.

You can also watch the full report here and an abbreviated report here.

Look Who's Supporting the GCR Task Force Recommendations

Recently, the Great Commission Resurgence (GCR) Task Force for the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) as appointed by the Convention President Johnny Hunt in June 2009, publicized their recommendation for a GCR.

At the Pray for a GCR web-site, several posts have recently appeared from those within the Convention who have put their weight behind the task force's recommendations.

Dr. Robert White offers his thoughts here.

Dr. Jerry Rankin offers his thoughts here.

Bill Crews offers his thoughts here.

Another GCR related article of interest is a response to Morris Chapman's concern about the future of the Cooperative Program. Danny Akin and Nathan Finn respond here.

Very, very, very interesting nonetheless.

I would love to hear feedback/comments from people who want to weigh in on the discussion.

Baptist Twenty One Interviews SBC Presidential Candidates

Recently, Baptist Twenty-One posted the third interview with SBC Presidential nominee Dr. Ted Traylor.

You can read the interview here.

Discussion Questions from 05/23/2010 Sermons at WBC

Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching from Luke 16:19-31 in the morning services and Ephesians 1:15-23 in the evening service.

Later today or tomorrow, you will be able to watch and/or listen to the messages here.

Here are some questions to guide a discussion to further help you grasp and apply Sunday morning's message:

1. In Luke 16:15 Jesus told the Pharisees that what man exalts, God hates. What are the two primary 'man-exalting' and 'God hating' areas in this chapter that Jesus (Luke) addresses?

2. What does Jesus want the Pharisees to understand about the Old Testament and their own self-righteousness? (See Luke 16:14-18)

3. How does the parable Jesus tells in Luke 16:19-31 help further communicate this point?

4. What is the primary point of the parable Jesus tells?

5. How does knowing that humans are woefully sinful and Jesus is one's only hope of being right with God free you forever? How does it change/adjust how you live your everday life?

6. Read all of Luke 16. What does Jesus want us to understand about the relationship between a born again follower of Jesus and how he or she spends their money?

7. How many copies of the Bible do you have at your home/study? Do you read it? Why or why not? If you were to die today, how could you be sure that you would not be like the rich Jew/Pharisee?

8. If you have experienced the grace of God in Christ in your life, how has that reality begun to play itself out in your practical life? In your spending? In your time?

Sunday night, I only had time to briefly (in my opinion!) unpack Ephesians 1:19-21. I plan to go back and fill in the other parts of Ephesians 1:15-23 next Sunday night (if the Lord wills).

Here are a few questions to enhance your dialogue, discussion, and understanding of what Paul prays for the Ephesians regarding the power working toward believers:

1. According to verse 18, how is the believer supposed to grasp the immeasurable greatness of God's power working toward the believer?

2. Why do you think, when speaking of the power that is at work toward the believer, Paul mentions the power God used to raise Jesus from the dead? Why not talk about the power needed to walk on water or feed 5,000 people, or raise Lazarus from the dead or cast our demons?

3. How does knowing that when Jesus rose from the dead, everything necessary to accomplish our salvation was completed give you power to live today?

4. Why do you think Paul also mentions that the power working toward the believer is the same power Christ exercises over every single power in the universe?

5. How does knowing that a God who loves you passionately and unconditionally and a Jesus who gave Himself for you on a cross and who reigns over every molecule in all the universe give you power to live today with radical intentionality?

6. Will you commit to pray for yourself, your family, your church family, and others would have God open the eyes of their hearts to know this power that is at work toward them? Will you pray now?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recent Great Commission Resurgence Articles of Note

Baptist Twenty One links to some helpful articles circulating on the web relating to the GCR here.

Parenting and Porn

Justin Taylor posts a very helpful article for parents of teenagers (especially boys!) who have computers in the home.

Click here.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

David Platt Interview and Link to Talk at T4G Breakout

Justin Taylor posts an interview with David Platt here.

Included is a link to his talk he gave at T4G, which is outlined in chapter 7 of his new book Radical.

An excerpt from the interview:

How would you counsel folks who feel a constant low-grade sense of guilt that they are always failing the Lord and never doing enough?

This is a great question, and it’s one of my greatest concerns even in writing this particular book. The last thing I want to do is leave readers overwhelmed by guilt, constantly wondering, “When I am going to be radical enough? What do I need to do, how do I need to give, or where do I need to go in order to do enough for God?” These are extremely unhealthy questions, for the reality with which the Gospel confronts us is that we’ll never be able to do enough. No matter what we do, even if we sell all of our possessions, give to the poor, and move to the most dangerous country in the world, we cannot do enough to be accepted before God or approved by God. The beauty of the Gospel is that Christ is alone is able to do enough. He alone is able to keep the law and commands of God, and He has done it. Indeed, He has been faithful enough, generous enough, compassionate enough, etc. As a result, the starting point of the radical life is death to self, death to every attempt to do enough before God, and trust in Christ, the One who has lived the radical life on our behalf.

The beauty now is that when we trust in Christ to be our righteousness, we are free to obey from a totally different position. In Christ, we have been declared “not guilty” before God. As a result, we no longer live from a position of guilt, but from a position of righteousness. And not only have we been declared righteous in Christ (as if this were not enough!), but He has given us His Spirit, and He lives in us to enable us at every single moment to live according to the commands which He has given us. As Christians, we now find ourselves free from guilt and driven by grace.

In addition to all this, guilt is ultimately an unbearable burden and an unsustainable motivator. We may change our ways for a short time based on guilt, but real, true, radical life change will not happen until we trust in the Gospel.

So my encouragement to anyone who struggles with a low-grade sense of guilt, wondering if they are ever doing enough, would be to realize that they can never do enough . . . and then to rejoice in the reality that Christ has done enough for them. Then, whenever they are confronted with sin or shortcomings, I would encourage them to trust in Christ, to rest in His righteousness, and to ask Him to produce the fruit of a radical Gospel in their lives. This alone will sustain radical, life-changing, world-impacting obedience for the glory of God in all nations.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Raising Obedient Children

I found this post at the Resurgence blog (and Zach Nielson's). Click here to read the entire post and explanation of each point (well worth it...if you are a parent. PJ and Ashleigh Smith have some great advice. What do you think?

Here are a few ways that we are trying to raise obedient children:

1. We are confident in our God-given parental authority.

2. We never count to three.

3. We model it ourselves to authority figures in our lives.

4. We use appropriate forms of punishment.

5. We try not to exasperate our children (Eph. 6:4).

6. We are convinced that it really is worth the effort.

Jerry Rankin Gets it Done...Again

Jerry Rankin posted an article at his blog this morning entitled "Rhetoric or Obedience?"

Very, very powerful and needed not just for the GCR discussion (as important and needed as it is related to that!!!), but also for all church leaders and all followers of Christ.

I urge you to read it for yourself here.

His conclusion (emphasis mine):

"We must see what truly fulfilling the Great Commission entails. It means sacrificing a lot of what we are currently doing, including the traditional structure and programs with which we are familiar. Are we not willing to give it up and make some changes for the sake of a lost world for which Christ gave His life? If we are to see a Great Commission Resurgence among Southern Baptists, there is a command to be obeyed, a commitment to be made, a cost to be paid and a compromise to evade. Mere rhetoric won’t get the job done."

Baptist Twenty One Interviews SBC Presidential Candidates Continued

This morning, Baptist Twenty One posted their second interview with SBC President nominee Dr. Jimmy Jackson.

The interview is here.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baptist Twenty One Interviews SBC Presidential Candidates

Next month in Orlando, Florida the Southern Baptist Convention will select a new President. As of now, there are four candidates (I think this is correct) to be nominated and voted on to serve as President. Baptist Twenty One is going to post their interview with each candidate submitting or allowing for their names to be nominated.

The first interview they conducted and posted was with Bryant Wright.

The interview can be read here.

God willing, I will post others as they appear on their site.

Two Books Bro. Matt Recommended During His May 16th, 2010 Sermon

The two books I recommended during the message I preached at WBC on May 16th, 2010 were:

Discussion Questions from 05/16/2010 Sermon at WBC

On Sunday, May 16th, I only preached during the 8:30 am service. Randy Presley challenged the seniors on Senior Recognition Day during the 11 o'clock service and Phillip Powers preached during the evening service. All of which can be watched or listened to at some point tomorrow (05/17/2010) here.

I chose to preach on one verse in Luke's Gospel instead of 'clump' of Scriptures as I normally do as I have been going through Luke. The text we are at in our study of Luke is Luke 16:18.

If you did not attend yesterday at 8:30, that is fine, but I would strongly urge you and encourage you to listen and/or watch the sermon prior to trying to answer the discussion questions below. The questions could be answered without hearing the message, but would help tremendously. The questions I pose are done so assuming those who walk through them attended or listened to the message.

Here are the questions:

1. Since Luke only recorded Jesus talking about divorce/remarriage in 1 of his 2,158 verses (combining Luke and Acts), we can be pretty sure that his purpose in including verse 18 of chapter 16 was NOT to give his readers a robust theology of divorce, remarriage, and adultery. This being the case, what was Luke's main purpose in including the verse? To ask it another way, why does Jesus just all of the sudden bring up divorce and remarriage and adultery in the middle of this chapter, seemingly out of nowhere?

2. Compare your answer with what Paul says in Philippians 3:7-14.

3. In what ways have you been trying to justify yourself to God instead of trusting in Jesus alone for your righteousness and salvation?

4. Why does Jesus consider someone who marries after divorce as committing adultery? See Genesis 2:24. Why does Jesus consider lust adultery? See Matthew 5:28.

5. One of the questions Bro. Matt posed in his sermon was, "If I Have Divorced and/or Remarried, What Do I Need to Do?"

The four scenarios/responses given were:

a. If you are divorced and are not remarried, do everything possible to reconcile with your spouse. Everything you possibly can.

b. If you are divorced and single, and your previous spouse has remarried, based on Luke 16:18, I would suggest remaining single (see 1 Corinthians 7:32-35).

c. If you are divorced and have remarried, but did so assuming it was fine and there were no problems in the eyes of God (in other words, your motives were totally pure when you divorced and remarried… you were ignorant of the truth of God’s word on this), recognize God’s understanding of marriage, agree that His decree of it is right, look outside yourself to Jesus to be your righteousness, and commit to follow and obey Him in this regard the rest of your days.

d. If you are divorced and remarried, and did so knowing it was a sin against God and his ideal of marriage, repent by agreeing with God that your attitude was sinful, look outside yourself to the One who fulfilled the law for you (Jesus), believe that He is enough, and fight with all of your might to glorify God in your current marriage, committing to a life of obedience to Him and His expectations for the marriage covenant.

Do you agree/disagree with these? Why or why not?

6. If you are married, how does Luke 16:18 challenge you in your marriage? What do you need to do?

7. If you are not married, how does Luke 16:18 challenge you? What do you need to do?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

What is the Gospel?

Greg Gilbert has recently written a superb book with this title. Get it here.

Al Mohler recently interviewed Gilbert on the book here.

Gilbert talked about this topic ("What is the Gospel") during a break out seesion at Together for the Gospel 2010 here.

I strongly recommend getting your hands on several copies of the book (for yourself, for you to give away to others, for you to take small groups through, for you to read with a non-Christian, etc.), listening to Mohler's radio program, and here Gilbert himself speak about it at T4G. Very, very, very helpful stuff for the believer (and non-believer!).

Friday, May 14, 2010

Preaching the Gospel to Yourself

Drew Goodmanson has a very helpful article on how Christians can and must preach the Gospel to their own souls.

Read his entire article here. See also his visual diagram here.

He suggests doing two primary things; one downward and one upward.

I. Down the Slope of Repentance (Objective: To see and confess that I am a bigger sinner than I thought.)

a. See and own your sin.

b. See the sin beneath the sin.

c. Expose the idols of your heart.

II. Up the Slope of Faith (Objective: To thank God that Jesus is a much bigger Savior than I thought.)

a. View repentance as a gift.
b. See Jesus as the only true Savior.

c. Embrace the Gospel as your motivation for living.

Interesting New Data from Thom Rainer

This week, Thom Rainer has posted two articles of interest for those involved with church leadership.

The first deals with major trends for churches in America. Read the entire post here. The five major trends he identifies are:

1. Our nation will see the emergence of the largest generational mission field in over a century.

2. The dominant attitude of this huge generation toward Christianity will be largely indifferent.

3. Senior adult ministries in churches will experience steep declines.

4. The large Boomer generation will become more receptive to the Gospel.

5. Family will be a key value for both of the large generations.

He concludes:

"Trend projecting is a meaningless exercise if it fails to engender action. Ultimately each local church must determine where God is leading the congregation. In the case of the five trends noted here, the opportunities seem significant. May the response of Christians and churches be nothing less than radical obedience."

The second post is entitled, "Why Church Guests Return."

He provided three main reasons:

1. Doctrinal Integrity.

2. Passion.

3. Relevance.

Read the whole post here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Two GCRTF Articles of Interest

Jerry Rankin leaves no room for wondering where he stands in all of this at his blog post today.

His conclusion:

"I realize there is a diversity of perspectives, and I respect those who are passionately defending their programs and ministries. However, it is tragic if we should defend the wonderful programs and ministries for which we are responsible to the detriment of a lost world knowing Jesus Christ. To me the alternative is clear—change or continue the status quo. The GCR Task Force may not have it all correct, but they have cast a challenge for how we can make a difference and reverse the trends."

Danny Akin on why he believes the GCRTF recommendations is good for the future of the Southern Baptist Convention: Part 2a with Steve McKinion

His conclusion:

"The Conservative Resurgence was a great effort among Southern Baptists to reflect our common commitment to the Truth of Scripture. But simply to claim a belief in an inerrant Bible is not enough. Because we believe the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God – the only reliable and infallible account of God’s work of salvation – we have no option but to join Him in the work of the Gospel. As Southern Baptists stand together on the truth of God’s Word, our celebration of the Gospel will naturally result in its proclamation to the nations."

ESV On-line (FREE!)

I found this at Zach Nielson's blog:

Crossway is pleased to announce the new ESV Online. A key part of Crossway’s ESV Digital initiative, the ESV Online is a powerful and convenient tool giving access to the ESV Bible and other resources for understanding and applying God’s Word.Free access to the ESV Online is now available by signing up at Users are able to customize their own interface, highlight and mark verse numbers, add bookmark ribbons, search the ESV text, and manage personal notes. The free version also includes a variety of daily reading plans and devotional calendars.

Want to try the highly acclaimed ESV Study Bible free? For a limited time, everyone who signs up for an ESV Online account will receive a free 30 day trial access to the ESV Study Bible. Current Online ESV Study Bible users will be contacted via email over the coming weeks and will have their accounts migrated to the ESV Online site with access to all the study notes and resources. The Study Bible module is also available to purchase within the ESV Online platform or for free with the purchase of any print edition of the ESV Study Bible.

In addition to the above, Crossway is developing many more ESV Online modules to enhance the study of God’s Word. Stay tuned for the release of Greek tools, MacArthur study notes, commentaries, Bible Audio recordings in numerous languages, and much more!

Coming this summer, ESV Online users will be able to sync their account with mobile ESV Bible apps so personal highlights and notes can be accessed and updated anywhere.Crossway also invites ESV Online users to offer their thoughts and suggestions for future improvements and new ESV Bible resources. We look forward to serving you with ESV digital initiatives and the development of innovative tools—to make the ESV Bible accessible to everyone, everywhere, every way.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Poison of Quaint Moralism

I don't know Tyler Jones, but I think he gets it EXACTLY right about the main problem with Chrisitianity in the South.

Click here to read his hard, yet correct assessment of 'Southern' Christians.

A portion:

"The South has been poisoned, and the poison is "quaint moralism." This poison has systematically infected tens of millions in the South and we are now in the midst of a moralistic pandemic. Who has dispensed this quaint moralistic poison? The blame lies with Christianity! We have blared from pulpits, on radio waves, even in movie theaters that "it's good to be good." We have taught that when you do what the Bible says, your wife will obey, your dog will obey, and your kids will obey. For decades now we have filled churches by declaring that those among us who are ethical churchgoers will be accepted by God and those of us who don't go to church will burn, burn, burn."

And again,

"Our churches are full of good-looking, upright, moral people. The tragic irony is that our goodness is our poision. A great many Southerners claim Christianity as their religion, mimicking righteousness on the surface while their hearts remain unchanged by the gospel of Jesus. I understand the gravity of that statement and do not make it hastily. Here in the South, the gospel has either been ignored or foolishly assumed. We have satiated our desire for God through quaint morality, allowing people to ignore their need for Jesus."

May God help us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Can I Know My Spiritual Gift?

Juan Sanchez has a great and helpful article here.

He offers these five suggestions:

1. First, find out what the body needs.

2. Once you see and begin to see the nees of the body, PRAY!

3. Ask yourself, 'What Do I Enjoy Doing?'

4. Seek godly counsel.

5. Serve! Don't just sit there, do something!

When I preached through 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14 a few years ago at WBC, I developed the following questions based on that study. Intriguing to me how similar the questions are. I will post them tomorrow (God willing) when I get back to the office.
Here are five observations/challenges I gleaned from the study in 1 Corinthians several years ago:
How Can I Determine My Spiritual Gift?
  • Ask God to reveal what your spiritual gift is.
  • Evaluate your church and determine, in your opinion, what areas are lacking.
  • Evaluate your own soul and ask, 'what is my passion as far as it relates to the glory of Jesus Christ and making Him known?'
  • Begin to serve immediately in various capacities to see if blessings come from it (blessing for you and for others).
  • Ask the Lord to interweave it all together for the good of the church, the joy of your soul, and the glory of His name.

More on the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force and the SBC

Other articles of interest in the blogosphere in addition to the ones I posted yesterday:

Great Christian Audio

Some great (and free) audio is available for download at various sites around cyberspace.

Here are a few I have recently come across and have downloaded (or plan to shortly) to my itunes:

1. John Piper on adoption and orphan care at the Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit VI.

2. Breakout sessions at the recent Together for the Gospel conference in Louisville, KY (including David Platt).

3. Recent Advance the Church conference sessions (including David Platt).

4. Free audio book download of the month at Christian Audio: Richard Stearns' The Whole in Our Gospel.

5. Al Mohler's radio program ALWAYS has recent, relevant, and intelligent Christian conversation about the issues that matter (to use his words).

Are Christians Meant to Feel Guilty All the Time?

An incredibly interesting, insightful, and helpful post from Kevin DeYoung here.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. Here I will post his four answers to the question, "Why do Christians feel guilty all the time?"

1. We don't fully embrace the good news of the Gospel.

2. Christians tend to motivate each other by guilt rather than grace.

3. Most of our low level guilt falls under the ambiguous category of "not doing enough."

4. When are truly guilty of sin, it is imperative that we repent and receive God's mercy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Latest News/Info. on the Southern Baptist Convention and the Great Commission Resurgence

There is alot of talk out there about the Southern Baptist Convention and the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force (GCRTF) recommendations. Below is a list of links that will help better inform as to what is going on and what is being said.

Jerry Rankin on Alternative Futures of the SBC Based on Responses to the GCRTF Recommendations:

Here. Here. Here. and Here.

Discussion Questions from 05/09/2010 Sermon at WBC

Yesterday morning, I was back in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 16:14-17.

The title of the message was, "Self is the Salvation of Man." You can watch or listen by going here later today.

Here a some questions to continue your thinking on the Scripture text and the message:

1. Bro. Matt said that he seemed to think the theme of the entire chapter of Luke 16 is found in verse 15 where Jesus said to the Pharisees: "For what is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God." What are some themes/subjects you see in Luke 16 that men exalt and God hates?

2. Which one of these subjects do you most wrestle with? Why?

3. Bro. Matt said that he believed the correct interpretation of Jesus' words in Luke 16:16 regarding "everyone forcing his way into the kingdom" was that those who are members of the kingdom of God have had a supernatural, Holy Spirit driven force awaken them to their understanding of their need of Christ.

Do you agree with his interpretation? Why or why not?

How does the context of Luke 16 help with this interpretation?

4. Why is it that deciding to "turn over a new leaf in life" regarding one's relationship with God is really something God hates?

5. Why is it that trying to make yourself right with God on your own an abomination to God?

6. In what ways have you been guilty of trying to earn a right status with God by reflecting on your own good works and deeds and efforts? How have you been guilty of trying to ease your own conscience by reflecting on your 'righteous works'? Why is doing this something that is despised by God?

7. What is the biblical way of being right with God? Why is this SO important?

8. The Pharisees were guilty of ridiculing Jesus after they heard his discussion about money. What has Jesus been calling you to do with your resources that you have been putting off, or ignoring, or in a sense 'ridiculing' Jesus for calling you to such radical action?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Radical Releases Today

David Platt's book Radical releases today. Praise God.

Find out about the book here.

Watch a video introducing the book here (scroll down).

Find out about the Bible Study being released here.

Sign up to receive and read the first chapter on-line for free here.

May God use the biblical truth(s) found in this book through the heart of His servant David Platt to stir up a radical revolution for the glory of His name around the world!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Great Advice and Counsel on Praying Well

Consider these prayers for an awakening at our church.

Consider this exhortation from JT's blog:

"If Jesus answered all your prayers from the last 30 days, would anything change in THE World or just YOUR world?"

Consider John Paton's advice on the best way to punish one's children.

Consider the components and challenges presented in the GCR Task Force Report.

Great Commission Resurgence Task Force Report

The new and revised report from the Great Commission Task Force was made public this morning.

Click here to watch, read, and/or download the report.

So far, from what I have been able to thorougly skim, I love what I read. It makes me proud and excited (again!) to be a Southern Baptist.

I encourage you to take to heart what the task force recommends for everyone within the SBC.

Consider the challenge(s) given to individual families in the report:

Challenges for Individual Families

- Emphasize biblical gender roles with believing fathers taking the lead in modeling Great Commission Christianity and taking the primary responsibility for the spiritual welfare of their families.

- Recognize that parents have the primary responsibility of educating their children and helping them to cultivate a Christian worldview way of thinking and living.

- Build gospel saturated homes that see children as a gift from God and our initial mission field. Consider, in this context, the vital ministries of adoption and orphan care.

- Make prayer for and the evangelism and discipleship of children a family priority that begins with parents and is assisted by local churches.

- Develop strategies as a family for praying for, serving, and sharing the gospel with neighbors, coworkers, and others with whom family members come into regular contact.

- Adopt a different unreached people group each month and pray as a family 1) for IMB missionaries working with the people group, 2) for the conversion, baptism and discipling of countless individuals within the people group, and 3) for the establishment of biblical churches among the people group.

- Adopt a different North American church plant each month and pray as a family 1) for the church’s leadership team, 2) for the conversion, baptism and discipling of countless individuals in the church’s region, and 3) for the birthing of future church plants from the church.

- Spend a family vacation participating in a local church or association sponsored mission trip.

- Consider setting up a mission’s savings account for each of your children that would enable them to spend six months to a year in a North America or International Missions context soon after graduating from high school.

That's what I call being RADICALLY INTENTIONAL as a family!!!!

I love it! Let's do it!

All I Have Is Christ!

My new favorite song.

Click here.


Click here.

Listen. Watch. Learn it. Love on Your King.