Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fireproof: A GREAT Movie and Must See for Believer and Unbeliever Alike!

This past Monday night (11.24.08) Katie and I finally got the opportunity to go to the movies and watch "Fireproof." It was an incredible movie that I highly recommend to all followers of Christ and to those who do not yet claim to call Him Savior and Lord.
Below is a brief review of the movie, simply including some of the thoughts I have had since we left the theater Monday night...
What Fireproof Gets Right:
1. Fireproof gets the GOSPEL right.
The scene where Kirk Cameron (Caleb) surrenders his heart to Christ is wonderfully done. The one sharing the Gospel (Caleb's father) does a great job explaining sin, our need for sin, and that Jesus is the only One who can save us from our sin. Thank you for getting this right!
2. Fireproof gets the connection between the GOSPEL and MARRIAGE right.
In the same scene mentioned above, Caleb's father does a great job showing how God loves us unconditionally and covenantally (in Christ) despite our sins and how marriage is to be demonstrated in the same way. The truth that marriage cannot be right and healthy and what God wants it to be apart from understanding salvation in Christ was communicated. I do wish, however, that this truth would have been expounded on a bit further. But the fact that it was there is a huge positive in my book.
3. Fireproof gets evidence of salvation right.
In the movie, after Caleb surrenders to Christ, several behaviors emerge: First, he commits to pursuing his wife regardless of her reactions to him. Second, he repents of his pornographic addiction/problem. Third, he uses his money which he had saved up for a boat to help his ailing wife's parents. This is important for the world to see. Genuine salvation brings about a change. A change of heart. A change of attitude. A change of affections. Fireproof gets it right.
4. Fireproof gets the crucial need for 'elder' accountability right.
In both instances, what helped steer the husband and wife back toward the other was hearing the truth from an older, godly person. This is SO needed today. It is extremely biblical and something I loved seeing in the movie and desire to see more of in real life.
5. Fireproof gets the 'real life' issues right.
The production crew of this movie did not put together an "easy" movie to watch. What I mean is, they tackled tough "real life" issues such as pornography, adultery, verbal abuse/anger, job demands, divorce papers, etc.
6. The final clip was a quote of Romans 5:8.
Great touch! I was pleased to see this verse flash on the screen as I was walking out.
Two Mild Concerns:
1. Caleb's wife (Katherine) never deals with her sin.
Though this is assumed, we never see a discussion about or a repentance of her sin of near (if not full blown...depending upon your definition) adultery. Granted, she did what she did due to what was not happening at home. But that never excuses us to sin. She is responsible for her own sin. I wished we would have seen her and Caleb deal with it a bit more. These are real issues that really hurt and leave the other spouse scarred. This was a small concern I had.
2. The taste of 'add Christ to your life and all will go well' syndrome.
I know. I know. I am being WAY too critical at this point. I do not believe that this was ANYONE's intention. Those who put this film together did NOT have this in mind (at least, I don't think they did). The purpose was not to show that if you have Christ, all goes well. The purpose was to show that without Christ no marriage will truly ever work the way it is supposed to, much less endure hard and difficult times. However, for a movie to be good, it must always end well. In this case, as with Facing the Giants, it all ended well. People came to Christ and it all worked out the way it is supposed to work out.
Please hear me: I am glad that oftentimes this is the case and that oftentimes, Christ does come and change a heart and marriages are saved and ballgames are won. However, there are also a host of other instances where this does not happen. Sometimes the spouse continues with the divorce. Sometimes the game is lost. Sometimes the wife never does get pregnant. I guess I just get concerned sometimes that Christianity is so often seen as a 'crutch' to enhance circumstances in our lives instead of passion for Christ that reigns and rises regardless of surrounding circumstances. Christ was the hero of Fireproof. I believe that. However, as with any movie made for theaters that aims at attracting large audiences, all must end well with the earthly circumstance. Sometimes that simply does not happen, yet Christ is still glorious. I left with that taste in my mouth (or, should I say soul) and it was another mild concern for me.
I urge anyone who hasn't seen the movie to go. These mild concerns in no way, shape, form, or fashion would cause me to discourage anyone from seeing it. Rather, these are just mild cautions I have and reflections I have had since Monday night.
Christ does change lives and marriages and football teams. Hallelujah! Christ rules over all things. Let us all worship and bow down and submit to the One who is exalted and sits at the right hand of the Father.

1 comment:

Kaye Butler said...

Great Movie! We loved it.