Thursday, June 25, 2009

What is the Great Commission Resurgence and Why Is It Important?

Much of the talk in and around this year's SBC had to do with what is called a "Great Commission Resurgence" (GCR). The convention voted to pursue a GCR and put together a task force to evaluate the SBC and think about how we (as Southern Baptists) can best take the Gospel to all the peoples of the earth.

In the coming days, I plan to blog about what it is, why it is so important, who the task force is made up of, and why we should pray for them.

For now, I hope it suffices to link you to the GCR web-site. What is there will familiarize you a bit with what the GCR is. You can go there directly by clicking here. As I discuss it on this blog, please feel free to offer comments and/or ask questions for dialogue sake. I look forward to seeing how God is going to use this to further His kingdom around the world in the days ahead. Please stay tuned for thoughts on this in the coming days.

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