Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Theodoret of Cyrus on the Divine Providence of Having a Rear End

So I am currently working on my PhD dissertation and had to share the following exerpt from a sermon given by Theodoret of Cyrus, probably around 435 A.D. The sermon quotation is found in the third sermon in a series of ten on the providence of God. The title of the sermon is "Demonstrations from the Composition of the Human Body."

Here's the quote:

"Mark another manifestation of His providence. The body provides the natural couch of the buttocks so that you can make a seat out of the ground or a stone and not be hurt by sitting on bare limbs. You are ungrateful notwithstanding. You fail to recognize the gifts, and rave and rant against the wisdom that makes such provision for you."

I must confess. I have never thanked God for my rear end. Thank you, Theodoret, for such a solemn reminder.

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