Sunday, March 21, 2010

Rankin on "Asking Hard Questions"

Again (in my opinion), Dr. Rankin is providing excellent wisdom over at his blog "Rankin Connecting". His wisdom is not just for all Southern Baptists and entity leaders to consider, but great advice and wisdom for pastors.

Read his latest post "Accountability for Results: here.

A portion:

"If Southern Baptists have assigned us the task of winning the lost, discipling believers and planting churches around the world, and they invest $300 million in supporting more than 5,000 missionaries, then they have the right to expect results of the IMB in terms of baptisms, new churches and people groups engaged with the gospel.

"I am grateful for the work of our entities, state conventions, associations and every aspect of our Southern Baptist network. I don’t mean to sound critical or question the effectiveness of any. But have we fallen into the activity trap, simply carrying on legacy programs and ministries we have been engaged in for ages without any honest assessment of results? Have we introduced and accumulated new programs, earnestly wanting to make a difference, but been unwilling to cease irrelevant and ineffective methods that continue to absorb and dissipate resources?"

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