Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Discussion Questions from 09/12/2010 Sermon at WBC

Sunday morning, the Lord led me to preach through Psalm 40. As I shared with the congregation, my heart has gone back to this Psalm numerous times over the past weeks due to the fact that the Lord is allowing me to endure a season of fear, anxiety, and worry. Since this sermon was preached, many of you have expressed your appreciation of this Psalm and of your identification with me of your own struggle(s). May the Lord prompt us to pray for each other diligently and may we praise Him together for His remarkable deliverance in the days ahead!

Below is my outline for Sunday morning. After the outline, I have included a couple of questions to help you further apply and think through this text of Scripture…

I. Why the Psalmist Experienced Heart Failure

1. In a pit and miry bog of destruction (2a)
2. Encompassed by countless evils (12a)
3. Overwhelmed by innumerable iniquities (12b)
4. Surrounded by those desiring injury (14-15)

II. Evidence that God Rescued His Heart

1. The LORD inclined and heard his cry (1)
2. Rock-solid Feet and a Renewed Singing Mouth (2b-3a)

III. What the Psalmist Did While Patiently Waiting on God

1. Trusted in God, not in self or circumstances (4)
2. Devoured God’s Word, not religious acts (6-8)
3. Rehearsed the great attributes of God (11)
Romans 8:37-39
Philippians 4:4-9

4. Begged God for quick and delightful deliverance (13)
5. Resolved to believe that God was the best thing for his soul and his only hope (16-17)

IV. Reasons God Allows Circumstances to Overwhelm Us

1. To allow others to see the power of God (3b)
2. To grow our understanding, knowledge, and love of God (5)
3. To enhance and encourage the worship of God among the people of God (9-10)
2 Corinthians 1:3-7

V. How a Holy God Can Rescue an ‘Evil Encompassed’ Man

1. Understand the reality and God-centeredness of verse 16.
2. Believe that God loves you regardless and has demonstrated it in Jesus – Romans 5:8.
3. Trust that Jesus, not yourself or your works makes you righteous – 2 Corinthians 5:21.
4. Hope in the reality that in Jesus, God ordains everything that happens to you for your Christ-like character – Romans 8:28-30.


(1) What truth(s) from this Psalm ministers to you the most? Why?
(2) Have you ever experienced spiritual heart failure (see end of verse 12)? What has been your normal practice when you do? What would David suggest we do?
(3) Is there a contradiction between claiming to ‘patiently’ wait on God in verse 1 and begging God to hurry for deliverance in verse 13? Why or why not?
(4) Do you know of anyone who might need you to encourage them with the truths from this Psalm? Pray for them using the truths from this Psalm?
(5) Read James 1:2-4 and Hebrews 12:3-11. According to these passages, why are believers allowed to endure struggles?

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