Monday, January 31, 2011

Discussion Questions from January 30th, 2011 Sermon(s)

Yesterday morning and evening we had the unique privilege of focusing on the Lord' Supper during both services. We observed the ordinance during the evening service, but focused on it throughout the day. The text was Luke 22:14-27. Below I will ask some questions based off of the morning message (Luke 22:14-20) and I will post the evaluation questions I issued last night just before observing the Lord's Supper from Luke 22:21-27. Later today, you should be able to watch/listen to the messages here.

1. Bro. Matt mentioned 5 reasons given in the text as to why Jesus was so excited (see Luke 22:15) about sharing the 'Pre-Cross Passover' with His disciples. Which of the 5 reasons was the most important, in your opinion? Why?

2. Which of the five reasons most surprised you? Why?

3. Which of the five reasons was the most difficult to understand? Why?

4. What is the difference between the new covenant and the old covenant? See Jeremiah 31:31-34.

5. How often do you believe a church should celebrate the Lord's Supper?

6. What is one way the Lord's Supper protects the church body (and individual Christians!)?

7. Do you believe participating in the Lord's Supper should be a requirement for members of a church body? Why do you answer that way?

Evaluation Questions:

Evaluation Question #1: Are you currently living in a way that would betray the reality or the validity of Christ Jesus as Lord?
[See verses 21-23]

Evaluation Question #2: How quickly did your mind go to someone else when I posed question #1, rather than first evaluating yourself fully?
[Are you currently considering yourself better or more important than others?]

[See verses 24-26a]

Evaluation Question #3: Is your life marked by serving those you are church members with? [See verses 26b-27]

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