Monday, February 28, 2011

Disciple Man Talks about Gluttony

This article I believe is a must read for all believers, especially for Southern Baptists (me!). It is something we don't like to talk about and/or deal with, but something that I believe has been interfering with our relationship with God in unfathomable ways.

Here are some quotes I thought were helpful:

"...I was a glutton. An idolater. I had an idol in my life. An idol is anything that has more control over you than God does. I was a slave to food. And even now, even after all of that, I still struggle to keep food in its proper place in my life. We need to eat to live, not live to eat."

"Idolatry comes in many forms. It can show itself in more obvious ways. If you watch TV for hours on end, but never open your Bible you have an idol in your life. If you can not put the cigarettes down, knowing full well they are destroying your health, you have an idol. If you love your children more than you do your Savior… you have an idol! (Matthew 10:37)"

"And there is a flip side to all of this too. Being a 'health and fitness fanatic' can turn into idolatry too! Some people, while thinking that they are encouraging others to eat healthy, are really just heaping unnecessary guilt on them. There is a fine line between encouraging and gloating, and sometimes pride will sneak in there. It’s very subtle. Examine your heart before you “spur others on” to healthier living. All things should be done in love."

"And my friend, part of pursuing holiness sometimes means putting down the fork. Sometimes it means getting on a tread mill."

1 comment:

DiscipleMan said...

Hey, I read this! Oh wait... I wrote this! :-) lol! Glad the Lord is using this article, and I'm glad you are recommending it to others. It is a serious issue in the Christian community and a life and death one at that! My prayer has been since day one that the Lord would use my experience to awaken others... and He has been faithful to answer my prayer.