Monday, April 4, 2011

Discussion Questions from Sermons Preached on April 3rd, 2011 at WBC

Yesterday morning I preached from Acts 2:42-47 in effort to cast a vision for the summer and our future here at WBC. You can watch, listen, and/or download the message here.

Here are some questions to help you further apply the truths presented:

1. What is the overlapping theme of the 4 actions they 'devoted' themselves to in Acts 2:42?

2. Do you think Luke was exaggerating in verse 44?

3. How can it be that "all" who were together had "all" things in common? How is that possible?

4. If they gave themselves to the apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread, and the prayers - what might we learn from them as it relates to unity with our spouses? our children? our Christian friends? our Christian co-workers? our fellow WBC church members?

5. What do you think the outside community saw in these followers of Jesus that led to "the Lord adding to their number day by day those who were being saved"? (see Acts 2:47)

6. What might your neighbor see in you that would make him/her want what you have?

7. Other than church attendance, how is your life different from your neighbors/co-workers?

8. What might the city of Wynne see in us that would make them want what we have?

9. Do you plan to be a part of a 242 - Sharing Life Together small group this summer? Why or Why not?

Last night I preached an overview of the book of Micah. Click here to get the notes and/or watch, listen, download the message.

After listening to or watching the sermon, take 20 minutes to read through the book of Micah.

What are some characteristics of the LORD that cause you to be amazed in wonder, thinking "Who is like the Lord?"

How does knowing this about the LORD give you hope in the midst of what you are facing right now?

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