Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Very Insightful Article on Motherhood out of Louisville, KY

I thought this was extremely interesting. Click on this link and read this article from Monday's edition of The Courier Journal newspaper in Louisville, KY.
I would love to read your comments on this.


Gina said...

There is such significance in the calling of motherhood. We are not "just" moms. What a great (and vastly important) mission field! "The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down." (Prov. 14:31).

Pat said...

My friend Brenda and I often talk about the years we've worked and have missed so much of our kids' childhoods. Not only missed being home, but tried to juggle so many roles in our lives. For many women, staying home with the children is not an option - they must work. We were fortunate that Amy and Paul's schedules coincided almost every day when he taught school. While we realize what is biblical and pray for wisdom to rear our children in a godly home, even though we have had jobs outside the home, it is a blessing years later to have your adult child say, "You're the best parents," and "Thank you for the Christ-like example you've been to me." I'm thankful for the grace we've been given for those years.