Saturday, March 5, 2011

New York Times on the Rob Bell Controversy

Interesting article by Erik Eckholm of the New York Times on Rob Bell's new book.

A particularly intringuing comment from Eckholm:

"Judging from an advance copy, the 200-page book is unlikely to assuage Mr. Bell’s critics. In an elliptical style, he throws out probing questions about traditional biblical interpretations, mixing real-life stories with scripture.

"Much of the book is a sometimes obscure discussion of the meaning of heaven and hell that tears away at the standard ideas. In his version, heaven is something that begins here on earth, in a life of goodness, and hell seems more a condition than an eternal fate — “the very real consequences we experience when we reject all the good and true and beautiful life that God has for us.”

So, from a secular author (I know nothing of Eckholm's religious affiliation...I am basing this off of his writing for a secular organization) who has read Bell's book hell seems more of a "condition than an eternal fate."

It continues to stir. Thoughts?

1 comment:

Connie said...

Nothing like a good controversy to pique my interest. :) I'm sure I'll want to read this book soon. Wouldn't it be nice/neat/tidy/handy and blissful if Rob Bell was right?? But, if he's right, then the Bible must be wrong, and I can never go down that path.