Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blog Posts By Others That I Thought Some of You Might Be Interested In
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:10 PM
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
E-Family Series Session #5: What is the 'Age of Accountability' and 'How Can I Know For Sure My Child is Saved?'
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:10 PM
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Resource Used for "Beatitudes for the Betrothed" Series
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:17 PM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
A Call for WBC to be "Radically Intentional" with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Next, by looking at Hebrews 13:20-21, we answered the question of "how?" The conclusion was that if we are genuinely born again, and the radically intentional Jesus lives inside of us, then it will follow that His followers will be radically intentional about the things of the Gospel.
I want Wynne Baptist Church to adopt a phrase tonight: I am calling all of us to be intentional in our efforts for the sake of the Gospel. I am calling us to be “Radically Intentional” with what we do with the Gospel.
1. To be radically intentional about making disciples of all nations – Matthew 28:18-20
2. To be radically intentional about sharing the Gospel in Wynne and Cross County – Acts 1:8
3. To be radically intentional about having God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered homes.
4. To be radically intentional about our daily times with the Lord.
5. To be radically intentional about our approach to Sunday morning worship.
6. To be radically intentional about running from and avoiding sin at all costs, instead of allowing it in our lives nonchalantly thinking it is no big deal.
7. To be radically intentional about how we love one another as brothers and sisters…
8. To be as radically intentional about serving in the body as we are about being served and fed the word of God.
9. To be radically intentional about discipling and raising up new generations of leaders who can pass the things of the Lord on to the next generation and the next and the next…
10. To be radically intentional about being thrilled with the Lord Jesus Christ and the glorious good news of the Gospel.
May God grant us to the grace and strength and mercy and vitality we need to be radically intentional in these areas for His glory, the hope of the nations, and for the joy of our souls.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:44 AM
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Great Commission Resurgence - Reflection on Axiom #4
Through the Conservative Resurgence Southern Baptists reaffirmed their historic belief that the Bible is God’s written revelation to humanity and is “truth without any mixture of error.” By God’s grace, what some have called the “Battle for the Bible” that began in the SBC 1979 has been won. However, we believe the “War for the Bible” began in the Garden of Eden when the serpent first questioned the truthfulness of God’s words and will continue until all things are made new in Christ. Southern Baptists must not retreat one inch from the non-negotiable doctrine that the Bible is without error, lest we squander the gains of recent years. Furthermore, we must recommit ourselves to the full sufficiency of Scripture. It is not enough to believe that the Bible is inerrant; we must also be willing to submit to all of its teachings, even if that means we must relinquish our own preferences or human traditions.
One of the main reasons I love being a Southern Baptist is its commitment to the Bible. One cannot be a Southern Baptist and not declare wholeheartedly that the Bible is the perfect, inspired, inerrant, sufficient Word of the Living God. For this I am grateful to God. For what took place in the late 70's and early 80's over the "Battle for the Bible" I am forever grateful. This reputation among Southern Baptists of being a "Bible-believing" people is a major reason why I am so proud to be a part of this denomination.
A statement in the above paragraph, however catches my attention that I believes demands focus for a few moments: "It is not enough to believe that the Bible is inerrant; we must also be willing to submit to all of its teachings, even if that means we must relinquish our own preferences or human traditions." It is easy to declare that I believe the Bible is without error. It is easy to wave a banner that I believe the Bible to be totally sufficient for life and ministry. But it is a completely different animal when it comes to actually submitting to ALL of its teachings. This is huge! This fourth axiom is a call for Southern Baptist's to not just be proud that the "Battle for the Bible" was won (as remarkable and wonderful as that was/is!), but to diligently and intentionally and wholeheartedly ACTUALLY PUT IT'S TEACHINGS INTO PRACTICE!!!!! If the Bible is sufficient, as we say it is, then we must go to it first. If the Bible is sufficient, then we must seek it's demands and it's leadings and it's directives before we go to the way we have always done things or the way other churches are doing things or the programs that seem to be having 'success.' I love this axiom because it is a call for Southern Baptist's to 'put their money where their mouth is' so to speak and actually apply and demonstrate through our lives what we say the Bible is and can do.
Help us, Lord! Help us!
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:02 AM
More Helps for Studying Proverbs
For anyone who is interested, I came across this helpful and very informative post on some other solid resources to use when studying Proverbs.
If you click here, you will be directed to a post by Michael Mckinley from the 9marks blog. He provides links to helpful commentaries, books, and other thoughts by various scholars and pastors on the subject.
If you click here, you will be directed to the same 9marks blog, but a post by Thabiti Anabwile that will link you to some sermons on Proverbs by Mark Dever.
Again, for anyone who is interested in digging deeper into this massively important OT biblical book, I would encourage you to consider the sources these men advise us to look into.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:34 AM
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Great Commission Resurgence - Reflection on Axiom #3
Every Christian is called first and foremost to love God and secondly to love others. Greater love for God will always lead to greater love for people created in His image. The Great Commission flows from the Great Commandments.
We believe too many of us have lost some of our love for God and others somewhere along the way. This has devastated our witness. If we love Jesus as we should, we will love sinners as we ought and pursue them as He did. Though we believe that God calls believers to speak out against moral ills, this must not be done in a way that is hateful toward unbelievers or trades gospel priorities for political influence. We must not condemn those who are already under the just wrath of God, but must seek to serve them and proclaim Christ to them with the hope that God will save them.
Loving God and loving others means our churches must become more diverse. Southern Baptists were born, in part, out of a racist context and for over a century embraced systemic racism. For far too much of our history we failed to love our neighbors as ourselves, and that will forever be to our shame. By God’s grace and the Spirit’s conviction, we publically repented of this in 1995 on our 150th anniversary, but there is still much work to be done. Until our churches better reflect the diversity we look forward to in heaven, we must labor at gospel-centered racial reconciliation.
Furthermore, loving God and loving others means each of us must be watchful in our relationships with others in our churches and our Convention. We must accept our constant need to humble ourselves and repent of pride, arrogance, jealousy, hatred, contentions, lying, selfish ambitions, laziness, complacency, idolatries and every other sin of the flesh that leads to broken relationships and harms our witness before the watching world.
- Do I truly have a love for the Lord God, or do I love the idea of being known as one who loves God?
- Is my love for people evident?
- How has my knowing of Christ's Great Commission changed my view towards people of other nationalities and races?
- What kind of people go to my church? Is their diversity, or is a bunch of "birds of the same feather flocking together"?
- Do I care if God is glorified in other continents? If so, what am I doing about it? If not, why not?
- What does loving God with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength look like for me?
Posted by
Bro. Matt
5:14 AM
David Platt's Message at the SBC 2009 Pastor's Conference
Sorry this took so long, but I was able to track down (via @timmybrister) a video of David Platt's message at the 2009 SBC Pastor's Conference.
If you click here, it will take you directly to the video by way of Keith Sewell's blog. You will also find Francis Chan's message at the conference posted at this same site. Chan also preached a very, very good message that I would urge anyone interested to listen to/watch.
[For anyone who is interested, Chan's book Crazy Love is available (audio version) for free during the month of July at]
Posted by
Bro. Matt
5:06 AM
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Great Commission Resurgence - Reflection on Axiom #2
The gospel is the good news of all that God has done on behalf of sinners through the perfect life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection of Jesus. As individual Southern Baptists, we must be gospel-centered from first to last. Gospel-centered living will promote a grace-filled salvation from beginning to end by putting on display the beauty of the gospel in every aspect of our lives. It will remind us that we do not obey in order to be accepted, but rather we obey because we are accepted by God in Christ. Gospel-centered living will help ensure that the bloody cross of a crucified King is the offense to non-believers rather than our styles, traditions, legalisms, moralisms, personal preferences, or unhelpful attitudes.
The gospel must also guide and saturate our local churches and convention ministries. Too many of our pulpits have jettisoned the pure proclamation of the gospel, which has resulted in many of our people losing the full meaning and wonder of the gospel. Too often our convention programs and agendas have been crafted without a close tethering to the gospel. If we assume the gospel, we will lose the gospel. If we are to experience a Great Commission Resurgence, we must get the gospel right and proclaim it with clarity and boldness.
- Can I explain the Gospel to a child?
- Can I tell the Gospel in 60 seconds or less?
- Do I know all the components of the Gospel?
- Could I explain the Gospel with these four "prompting words"? "GOD," "MAN," "SIN," "JESUS."
- Do I delight in the Gospel?
- Do I treasure the Gospel?
- Is it constantly something I run to for hope and worship?
- Does my church sing about the Gospel?
- Does my pastor always talk about the Gospel? Does he always explain components of the Gospel?
Thank You God for sending Jesus to take our place by dying on the cross for our sins, having Him be buried for three days, and then raising Him from the dead so that we who put all hope in Him and what He did might live forever with You!
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:52 AM
Helpful Resources for Understanding and Preaching/Teaching Proverbs
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:44 AM