Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Call for WBC to be "Radically Intentional" with the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Sunday night, I addressed the congregation of Wynne Baptist and pleaded with them/us to adopt a phrase and a lifestyle as a church: "Radically Intentional."

Together, we read some passages out Luke as to how Jesus was radically intentional: Luke 2:49; 9:44-45; 9:51; 18:31-34; 24:44-49 (See also John 5:19 and John 14:10).

We also looked at some passages together pertaining to how churches are to be radically intentional: Romans 12:1-2, 9-21; Titus 3:4-8; 1 Peter 2:9-12; Hebrews 13:12-16

Next, by looking at Hebrews 13:20-21, we answered the question of "how?" The conclusion was that if we are genuinely born again, and the radically intentional Jesus lives inside of us, then it will follow that His followers will be radically intentional about the things of the Gospel.
I want Wynne Baptist Church to adopt a phrase tonight: I am calling all of us to be intentional in our efforts for the sake of the Gospel. I am calling us to be “Radically Intentional” with what we do with the Gospel.

So, I called WBC to be "Radically Intentional" in at least the following 10 Ways:

1. To be radically intentional about making disciples of all nations – Matthew 28:18-20

2. To be radically intentional about sharing the Gospel in Wynne and Cross County – Acts 1:8

3. To be radically intentional about having God-centered, Christ-exalting, Spirit-empowered homes.

4. To be radically intentional about our daily times with the Lord.

5. To be radically intentional about our approach to Sunday morning worship.

6. To be radically intentional about running from and avoiding sin at all costs, instead of allowing it in our lives nonchalantly thinking it is no big deal.

7. To be radically intentional about how we love one another as brothers and sisters…

8. To be as radically intentional about serving in the body as we are about being served and fed the word of God.

9. To be radically intentional about discipling and raising up new generations of leaders who can pass the things of the Lord on to the next generation and the next and the next…

10. To be radically intentional about being thrilled with the Lord Jesus Christ and the glorious good news of the Gospel.

May God grant us to the grace and strength and mercy and vitality we need to be radically intentional in these areas for His glory, the hope of the nations, and for the joy of our souls.

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