Monday, November 30, 2009

"This Shouldn't Be" from IMB Connecting

Consider the following blurb posted from "IMB Connecting" recently:

Missionary drawdown ‘just shouldn’t be’ In a day of unprecedented global missions opportunity and great harvest, Southern Baptists will be forced to draw down their overseas missions force in 2010 by as many as 600 missionaries, IMB trustees were told Nov. 10. Trustees adopted a $317.6 million budget for 2010 and learned that $7.5 million will need to be pulled from contingency reserves to balance the budget, leaving only six weeks of available reserves in case of major unexpected expenses. “When we take up $12 billion in our offering plates and 2.2 percent finally arrives to support [international missions] … it just shouldn’t be,” said Gordon Fort, IMB vice president of global strategy.

May God help us.

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