Monday, October 18, 2010

Discussion Questions from 10/17/2010 Sermons at WBC

Yesterday I preached from Luke 20:45-47; 21:1-4 in the morning and Isaiah 53:7-9 in the evening. Later today, you can watch and/or listen to the messages here.

Sunday morning's message was entitled "Why Are You A Christian?" Below are some discussion questions to further your thinking on the text.

1. The message opened with a clip of President Barack Obama answering why he is a Christian. You can watch the clip here. What is your opinion of his answer? Would you add anything to it? Would you take anything away from his answer?

2. Write out or share with someone why you are a Christian?

3. I said in the message that, based on the text, there seem to be three ways we can evaluate ourselves to see if we are indeed authentic believers. What were they?

4. What evidence is there in your life that you have a new, genuine affection for God?

5. What evidence is there in your life that you have a new, genuine love for people and a desire for serving them?

6. What evidence is there in your life that you see money as something God has given you in order to be a blessing to others and something to give away so you can enjoy more of the presence of God?

7. How can the upcoming Christmas season and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering be a means by which you demonstrate your affections for money have shifted?

Sunday evening's message was entitled "Philip's Gospel Tract." Discussion questions for this message are below:

1. Read Acts 8:26-39. According to Luke, Philip used Isaiah 53:7-8 to present the good news to the Ethiopian eunuch. Write out how you might have taken the same verses to present the Gospel to an unbeliever.

2. How is it loving that Jesus never opened His mouth while He was being led to the cross?

3. What can the last two phrases in Isaiah 53:9 teach us about Jesus' perfect righteousness? Why is this so important?

4. In verse 8, Isaiah says that Jesus' generation didn't understand what was going on. What was it that didn't understand? How is it that understanding what was actually happening is actually the good news of the Gospel for us?

5. Do you believe that Jesus was silent on His way to the cross? (See Matthew 27:11-14) Do you believe the people present really did not understand what they were doing? (See Luke 23:34) Do you believe Jesus really was buried in a rich man's tomb? (See Matthew 27:57-61) Do you believe these things even though Isaiah prophesied about them 700 years before they actually happened?

6. If everything mentioned in #5 actually happened, could it be true that Jesus really did bear the sin and guilt and punishment we deserved for our sins?

7. How does this reality change your life? Your marriage? Your parenting? Your work ethic? Your passion? Your desires? Your life pursuits?

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