Monday, December 27, 2010

Discussion Questions from 12/26/2010 Sermon

Yesterday morning at WBC, we had a wonderfully full house for our 10:30 am (Day After) Christmas service. David led us in some Christmas hymns, we commissioned the team of 9 men heading to E. Asia this week, and Donna Smith sang 'O Holy Night.'

I preached from Matthew 1:18-25; 2:13-15; 2:19-23 and focused on Joseph's obedience. The title was "Trust and Obey for There's No Other Way to Be Happy In Jesus" (Or, "Delay to Obey, and You'll Be Sorry Some Day"). You can watch or listen to the message here later in the week.

Here are some discussion questions to think through:

1. Of the areas Matthew mentions Joseph's obedience, which one (from your perspective) seemed to be the hardest? Why do you think so?

2. What would have happened if Joseph had followed through with his original plan to 'divorce her quietly'?

3. What were some additional implications of Joseph's obedience (in other words, what else resulted from Joseph's obedience rather than the 'surface' benefits)?

4. What do these passages teach us about how to walk with God?

5. How is it that Joseph's obedience was influential in our salvation?

6. In what ways do you need to be obedient to the Lord in 2011?

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