Monday, December 27, 2010
Link to Bible Reading Plans
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:54 AM
Link to 'Almost Christian.'
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:41 AM
Discussion Questions from 12/26/2010 Sermon
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:22 AM
Monday, December 20, 2010
Discussion Questions from Adoption Q and A Series Sermon #4
2 Samuel 7:12-16
Matthew 1:1, 6, 17 (See also Matthew 1:20)
Luke 4:31
2. Jesus as the “Son of David” Would Be Meaningless.
Matthew 9:27, 12:23, 15:22, 20:30-31, 21:9, 21:15, 22:42
Mark 10:47-48, 12:35
Luke 18:38-39
3. Jesus’ Adoption Implies His Having Come from Another Father.
Luke 1:26-35
4. Jesus’ Adoption Reminds Us of His Humanity and Growth as a Man.
Luke 2:40, 52
5. Jesus’ Willingness to Be Adopted Further Reveals The Extent of His Love for Mankind.
Philippians 2:5-11
Matthew 25:31-46
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:48 AM
Thursday, December 16, 2010
How to Be Radically Intentional at a Christmas Gathering
What was your best Christmas ever? Why?
What's the most meaningful Christmas gift you've ever received?
What was the most appreciated Christmas gift you've ever given?
What was your favorite Christmas tradition as a child?
What is your favorite Christmas tradition now?
What do you do to try to keep Christ in Christmas?
Why do you think people started celebrating the birth of Jesus?
Do you think the birth of Jesus deserves such a nearly worldwide celebration?
Why do you think Jesus came to earth?
Posted by
Bro. Matt
3:01 PM
Church Planter: The Man, The Message, The Mission by Darrin Patrick
[All of the above links were posted by Justin Taylor at his blog 'Between Two Worlds.']
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:49 PM
Resources Discussed During Thursday's Men's Group
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:24 PM
Monday, December 13, 2010
A Christmas Gift that Only My Blog Readers Would Appreciate
Posted by
Bro. Matt
3:14 PM
Yesterday's Video (Link) and Quotes from Russell Moore and Margaret Sanger
Posted by
Bro. Matt
3:00 PM
Discussion Questions from Adoption Q and A Series Sermon #3
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:48 PM
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Discussion Questions from Adoption Q and A Series Sermon #2
After you watch/listen to the message, ask these questions with yourself and others to further think through these truths:
1. Of the Scripture passages read or mentioned, which one (in your opinion) is the most convincing regarding God's plan for forming a group of people from around the world as a 'family'?
2. How might adopting a child of another race/ethnicity mirror the plan of God?
3. Are you okay with Jesus, the man you worship and have as an older brother, being Jewish? What if He were of African descent? What's the difference?
4. What are some ways society trumps what Scripture teaches regarding interracial adoption, families, etc.? What are some excuses you have heard as to why not to adopt of another race?
5. Why is it good news that God is not concerned with race or status or geographic location or religion, etc.?
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:17 AM
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Adoption, Race, and the Family of God
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:40 PM
Two Great Articles over at Desiring God
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:34 PM
New Book on Adoption Coming Out January 1, 2011
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:28 PM
Monday, November 29, 2010
Great Resource on Adoption
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:13 PM
Discussion Questions from "Adoption Q and A" Sermon #1
November 28th, 2010 - "Why Should Believers Pursue Adoption"
December 5th, 2010 - "What About Transracial Adoption?"
December 12th, 2010 - "If God Loves the Little Children, Why are there 147 Million Orphans in the World?"
December 19th, 2010 - "Was Jesus Adopted and Why Does it Matter?"
Later today, you can watch and/or listen to yesterday's message here.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:02 PM
Monday, November 22, 2010
Discussion Questions from 11/21/2010 Sermons at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:17 PM
Monday, November 8, 2010
Discussion Questions from 11/07/2010 PM Sermon
Why Not?
Others of you have been on a short-term trip or two, but it has been a while. Perhaps you are thinking you have done your time and don’t need that anymore. I want to call you to think again. If it has been a while since you have been on a short-term international trip, can I call you tonight to commit to go again in 2011? God does unique things when you go overseas. He shows you His power beforehand by prompting your heart to go to a specific place. He shows you His power by providing for your financial needs. He shows you while you are there all that He is doing around the world. He shows you His power when you get back as to how He will use your testimony in others’ lives. Commit tonight to go in 2011, tell the Lord you will. Ask Him to show you where and how. He will do it.
Why not?
Still others of you have gone on at least one trip a year for the last several years. Before you commit to go on another trip, which is good, I want to call you to pray about whether or not God would have you serve long-term overseas somewhere. Seriously pray about it. Seriously seek the face of the Lord regarding it. Maybe a two-year stint. Maybe a four-year deal. Maybe the rest of your life. Move on to a deeper faith walk with Christ. There’s nothing wrong with going on another trip. I hope you will. But seriously seek the face and will of the Lord regarding your future. Where does He want you and your family to serve Him?
Why not?
Still others of you have sought the Lord and know that He has called you here, to this place, in Wynne, AR. But I still want to call you to a deeper faith walk with Christ, moving on from one degree of glory to another…
- Perhaps God wants you and your family to adopt a child internationally. Why not?
- Perhaps God wants you and your family to adopt a child here in the U.S. Why not?
- Perhaps God wants you and your family to open up your home to some foster children here in the U.S. who have no family? Why not?
- Perhaps God wants you to be intentional about building a relationship with a lost person in Wynne who you know needs Jesus? Why not?
- Perhaps God wants you to be intentional about building a relationship with a lost international in Wynne who you know needs Jesus?
Cambodians at Daylight Donuts?
Chinese Buddhists at Bin’s or China Express?
Spanish Catholics at Don Jose or Ameca?
Hindu Indians at Subway?
Islam Turks at the Gas Station here at the end of our street?
Japanese at businesses like Eakas?
Why not?
Still others in this room may not have the capacity to go or be as ‘radically’ intentional as you would like to be, but can send others and/or provide for others to be able to do this. All of us need to analyze our financial situation and ask how we can ‘kick it up a notch’ in our giving for the lost to know Christ.
- Some of you cannot go overseas, but can provide the means for some to go. Why not?
- Some of you cannot adopt a child, but can help provide financially for those who are. Why not?
- All of us can step up a notch toward our Lottie Moon giving compared to what we gave last year. Why not?
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:29 AM
Friday, November 5, 2010
Two New GREAT Resources for Children and Families
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:12 PM
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Platt on the New Edition of 'Operation World'
David Platt posts as a guest on Justin Taylor's blog today. His post deals with his excitement and recommendation of of the new edition of Operation World.
Click here to read what he has to say.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:26 AM
Al Mohler's Opinion of Yesterday's Election
"Christians are supposed to be the people who know the dangers of investing either too much, or too little, confidence in the political system. The election is over. Now is the time for Christians to pray for those who were elected and for the government they will serve. Things are going to get interesting fast."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:35 AM
Monday, November 1, 2010
Operation World
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:39 AM
Links to Further Your Knowledge/Awareness of the Persecuted Church
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:30 AM
Discussion Questions from 10/31/2010 Morning Sermon
#2. Prayer is the Closet Where the Armor is Put On.
#3. Successful Fighting Means Constantly Wearing.
#4. The Call Here is to be Standing Not to Just Stand.
#5. The Enemy is Much More Powerful than We Are.
#6. Paul Stresses the Whole Armor, Not Just Parts.
#7. The Order of the Armor is Intentional, Not Vital.
#8. The Pieces of the Armor are Intentional, Not Random.
#9.5. The Key to Enemy Endurance is Confidence in Gospel Truth and
Consumption of Gospel Implications.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:19 AM
Monday, October 25, 2010
Books Recommended Last Night
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:23 AM
Discussion Questions from 10/24/2010 Sermons at WBC
1. Make it a point to be here Saturday night and Sunday – November 6th and 7th.
2. Ask the Lord to equip you to better understand and share with lost internationals.
3. Pray for the Lord to reveal to you ways you can be ‘radically intentional’ about sharing with lost internationals in the future.
4. Beg God to give you a deep, deep burden (His burden) for the lost.
5. Ask the Lord to show you exactly if/where He wants you to go on a short-term trip in 2011.
6. Ask the Lord if He wants you and your family to go overseas long-term.
7. Ask the Lord to direct you in how much money you will give so the Gospel can continue around the world.
8. Pray that God would send His Holy Spirit to work in us and in our hearts during GIC.
9. Pray for those coming to equip us to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God.
10. Be ready and willing to repent of any sin the Lord brings to the surface of your heart AND to embrace any new ‘missional’ direction He places in your path.
1. The resurrection guaranteed your becoming His child (10).
2. The LORD and His will ALWAYS Prospers (10).
3. No more sacrifice for sin is EVER needed (11).
4. Hearing and believing makes one righteous, period (11).
5. Satan and his demonic forces have been, are, and will always be defeated (12).
6. The resurrected Christ always intercedes for us sinners (12).
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:10 AM
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Russell Moore on "Is the Orphan My Neighbor?"
"Not every Christian is called to adopt or to foster children. And not every family is equipped to serve every possible scenario of special needs that come along with particular children. Orphan care isn’t easy. Families who care for the least of these must count the cost, and be willing to offer up whatever sacrifice is needed to carry through with their commitments to the children who enter into their lives.
"But, while not all of us are called to adopt, the Christian Scriptures tell us that all of us are called to care “widows and orphans in their distress” (Jas. 1:27). All of us are to be conformed to the mission of our Father God, a mission that includes justice for the fatherless (Exod. 22:22; Deut. 10:18; Ps. 10:18; Prov. 23:10-11; Isa. 1:17; Jer. 7:6; Zech. 7:10). As we are conformed to the image of Christ, we share with him his welcoming of the oppressed, the abandoned, the marginalized; we recognize his face in the “least of these,” his little brother and sisters (Matt. 25:40)."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:03 AM
Monday, October 18, 2010
Interview with New NAMB President, Kevin Ezell
Posted by
Bro. Matt
3:09 PM
Calling All Married Men!!!!
Pray with her for her out loud. Shockingly, one of the most difficult things for a man to do with his wife is pray with her, for her out loud. I still know pastors who struggle with this. A man will pray for his wife, but often not with her for her. An essential way to help married men spiritually care for their wives, which result in their wives feeling cared for is if we train them to pray, not just for their wives, but with them, for them, out loud for them to hear.
Read the passage preached last Sunday. Spend Monday and Tuesday with your wife reflecting back on the word that was preached the previous Sunday by reading the passage and talking about the sermon you both heard. It helps to be reminded of the truth preached and aids in the application of those truths throughout the week.
Read the passage being preached this Sunday. Starting mid-week, beginning to read together the passage that will be preached the upcoming Sunday. Read with your wife, have her ask questions, discuss the details of the text. It will better prepare you both to hear the word preached on Sunday.
Pray with her for others. Men will better spiritually care for their wives if they don’t just pray for their wives, but teach them how to pray for others. We best accomplish this in our church through our membership prayer guides which is a daily schedule to which every member gets prayed for in a month. Take a day in that schedule and each of you pray for those on that particular day. It will cultivate a meaningful prayer time together and remind you both of your responsibility to pray for others besides yourself.
Pastors, be deliberate to equip the men in your church how most effectively to shepherd their wives and children. It will be the start of a long-term agenda to create a discipleship culture that will spread to the entire congregation."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:45 PM
Quotes from Platt and Alcorn from Yesterday's AM Message
“When we gaze upon Christ and see Him as He is, and allow ourselves to be transformed into His image, we automatically adopt a giving mindset. Through generous giving, we establish a new orbit around Christ, our primary treasure, who promises us heaven’s secondary treasures of eternal reward. Only as we give can we escape the gravitational hold of money and possessions.”
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:22 PM
Discussion Questions from 10/17/2010 Sermons at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:15 AM
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Together for Adoption Conference Summary Notes
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:38 AM
Monday, October 11, 2010
Connie's (My Mom) Blog
Okay, so I am not supposed to call my mom "Connie," but I wanted anyone who was interested to be aware of my mom's new blog.
It is called "The Proverbs 32 Woman" (you can read why on her blog) and if you click here it will take you right to it. Or, type
She really does a great job writing her thoughts of present and reflecting on her time while her and my dad served as IMB missionaries in Ecuador.
Fair warning: She is retired now, has some extra time to type, and thinks alot about her kids.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:40 PM
Discussion Questions from 10/10/2010 Sermons at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
11:58 AM
Monday, October 4, 2010
"THINK" - Desiring God National Conference
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:48 AM
Discussion Questions from 10/03/2010 Sermons at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:48 AM
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
President Obama: "I'm a Christian by Choice"
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:28 AM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Destructive Dangers of 'Open Theism'
Posted by
Bro. Matt
4:35 AM
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fall is in the Air
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:30 PM
Jonathan Edwards on God's Glory in Nature
So the green trees and fields, and singing of birds, are the emanations of his infinite joy and benignity; the easiness and naturalness of trees and vines [are] shadows of his infinite beauty and loveliness; the crystal rivers and murmuring streams have the footsteps of his sweet grace and bounty.
When we behold the light and brightness of the sun, the golden edges of an evening cloud, or the beauteous bow, we behold the adumbrations of his glory and goodness; and the blue skies, of his mildness and gentleness.
There are also many things wherein we may behold his awful majesty: in the sun in his strength, in comets, in thunder, in the towering thunder clouds, in ragged rocks and the brows of mountains. That beauteous light with which the world is filled in a clear day is a lively 1shadow of his spotless holiness and happiness, and delight in communicating himself."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
11:33 AM
Theodoret of Cyrus on the Divine Providence of Varying Seasons of the Year
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:34 AM