Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Russell Moore and Past Sexual Sin

At his blog, Russell Moore posts his response about how much should one should know about a potential spouse's past sexual sin.

His post is excellent and extremely helpful on a number of levels. I strongly encourage you to go and read it for yourself here.

An excerpt:

"On the other hand, your dismissing him automatically on the basis of immorality is also dangerous. If he is repentant, seeing his past sin as hell-deserving but crucified, then you should receive him (all else being equal), just as you have been received.

"You are not 'owed' a virgin because you are. Your sexual purity wasn’t part of a quid pro quo in which God would guarantee you a sexually unbroken man. Your sexual purity is your obligation as a creature of God. And you have rebelled at other points, and been forgiven. If you believe the gospel, you believe the gospel for everyone, and not just for yourself.

"If your future husband is repentant, and forgiven, and yet you are 'tortured' by the thoughts of his past, then the issue for you is one of personal pride and a refusal to see oneself as a gospel-forgiven sinner."

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