Monday, March 22, 2010

Russell Moore 'Right on Target' Regarding Christians and Politics

A timely word regarding the decision in Washington last night and how Christians to respond. Read the whole thing here. I highly recommend it.

An excerpt:

"It’s not that I think Christians should be disengaged from issues of justice (God forbid!). It’s just that I wonder if we wouldn’t represent Christ and his kingdom better if we did it with a certain tranquility of Spirit, a tranquility that signals we’re not afraid of the rise and fall of temporal kingdoms and their policies."

And again,

"If we were half as outraged by our own sin and self-deception as we are by the follies of our political opponents, what would be the result? If we rejoiced as much that our names are written in heaven as we do about such trivialities as basketball brackets, what would be the result?"

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