Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Discussion Questions from 07/11/2010 Sermon at WBC

This past Sunday morning I continued preaching through Luke's Gospel, closing out chapter 17. My text was Luke 17:20-37.

The title was, "The Kingdom of God and the City of Wynne." You can watch and/or listen to it here.

Here are a couple of questions to help you think further on these verses:

1. What are some differences between Jesus' 1st coming to earth and His 2nd coming?

2. What had to happen the first time He came? Why is this so important?

3. Why do you think Jesus elaborated on the Noah and the Lot account when referring to the last day?

4. According to Jesus, there will be massive destruction when He returns. Why?

5. How does knowing this affect the way you view your neighbors and friends and family members who do not know Christ?

6. What did Lot's wife do that was so detrimental?

7. In what ways do you currently try to preserve your life when Christ calls you out of your comfort zone to follow Him? Is there anything your heart loves more than it does Christ?

8. What are some practical ways you can impact the city of Wynne (or wherever you live) for the sake of the kingdom having studied these verses?

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