Sunday, June 27, 2010

Discussion Questions from 06/27/2010 Sermon at WBC

This morning I preached from Luke 17:11-19. The title was "Weren't The Other Nine Doing What They Were Supposed to Do?" You can watch or listen to it later this week here.

I am leaving for Zambia later this afternoon, so will not be preaching tonight or next Sunday, July 4th. I do, however, urge you to think through some of the implications of the text and message from today. Here are some questions for further thinking and consideration:

1. Why is it that this passage isn't primarily about thanksgiving?

2. Read 2 King 5:1-19. What are some parallels between the two passages?

3. Why do you think Luke alludes to a passage like the one in 2 Kings?

4. What does it mean that Jesus IS the Word of God (see John 1:1, 14)?

5. Does the healed leper who returns to Jesus disobey Jesus' command to go to the priest(s)? Why not?

6. What does it mean that Jesus is the final, ultimate High Priest?

7. What does it mean that Jesus healed 10 men of their disease, but only one of their eternal, sin problem?

8. The last thing Jesus says in this passage is, "Go your way, your faith has made you well." Whyt is that phrase so beautiful regarding eternal salvation and being right with God? How have you tried to 'be well' with God by your works? What do you find yourself doing that is an effort to 'get God on your good side'?

9. The one Jesus heals is a Samaritan. He obviously heals those that do not look like Him or like us (here in North American Arkansas!). What does that say about His heart to heal foreigners?

10. How does your life reveal that you love and want to see Jesus save and heal those who do not look like us? In what ways do things need to same? In what ways do you need to repent and aggressively and intentionally do some other things?

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