Due to being out of town this past Sunday morning, I only preached once at WBC. I preached the Sunday night service, continuing the summer series entitled "Lord, Teach Us to Pray."
My text was Ephesians 3:14-21. You can watch and/or listen to the message, and download the outline here (link should be up soon...Jeff Gibson preached the morning services).
Here are a few discussion questions to help you think through/apply the message further:
1. For what reason does Paul bow his knees to the Father and pray (see Ephesians 2:11ff, especially 2:19-21).
2. What is the first request Paul makes on behalf of the Ephesians?
3. Why does Paul ask this of God?
4. What is the second request Paul makes on behalf of the Ephesians?
5. Why does Paul ask this of God?
6. How would your life be different if you genuinely and supernaturally grasped the reality that Christ Jesus dwells in your heart? Or if you believed you were and/or could be filled with all the fullness of God?
7. What does this teach us about what is the right way to be motivated to obey God?
8. How can you know for certain that God is committed to answering this prayer?
9. Who are five different people you can pray these things for each day this week?
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