Monday, April 12, 2010

Discussion Questions from 04/11/2010 Sermon at WBC

"Wynne Baptist Church exists to be radically intentional about making disciples of all nations to the glory of Jesus Christ."

Yesterday at WBC I introduced this purpose statement and preached the first of a three-part series unpacking its biblical meaning and how I long for it to apply at Wynne Baptist.

The statement divides itself into three parts:

The 'What?' of the Purpose Statement: "Making disciples of all nations."

The 'How?' of the Purpose Statement: "Radically Intentional."

The 'Why?' of the Purpose Statement: "To the glory of Jesus Christ."

Yesterday's sermon (which you can listen to, watch, and/or get the outline here) was an attempt to show from Matthew 28:16-20 how the 'What?' of the purpose statement is the 'What?' of the Bible.

Some discussion questions to enhance your thinking through the text and obedience to it:

1. What is THE primary command found in Matthew 28:16-20?

2. What three components make a 'disciple' of Jesus a genuine 'disciple' of Jesus?

3. Who is the command for?

4. Where are followers of Jesus told to make disciples?

5. What is the promise Jesus gives to those who give themselves to making disciples of all nations?

6. How are you doing at making this the priority of your life?

7. What are some ways WBC can more intentionally make disciples of all nations?

8. Do you think your personal schedule needs to be rearranged to make this a priority? Do you think WBC's current schedule and annual calendar needs to be rearranged to make and reflect this as our priority?

9. Are you being discipled by anyone? If not, would you be willing to ask God to put someone in your life who would be willing to?

10. What lost people are you intentionally building a relationship with for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Christ with them?

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