Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Three Main Steps to Starting Family Worship

James Grant has a wonderful post here on a simple, easy, yet intentional plan to start family worship.

Read the entire post here.

He suggests:

1. Plan to have family worship after an evening meal
2. Read through a good book (like this one)
3. Say the Lord’s prayer after reading the book

After expounding on each of these, he closed his post by referencing some other places to get some help on this subject. He wrote:

"As you advance at this, you can add more to it. I noticed that Tim Challiespointed to a website with lots of resources. Joel Beeke has a short booklet on this topic, and Terry Johnson’s book on the subject is very good and comprehensive; he will direct you to other resources as well. But whether you are starting out or have been doing this for a while, don’t make it into a burden. You will defeat your purpose if you treat this as a strict discipline. Your kids need to enjoy this, and if you include them and keep it simple at first, they will help you build it into more."

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