Sunday, June 27, 2010
Discussion Questions from 06/27/2010 Sermon at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:28 AM
Fathers Who are Serious about Their God-Ordained Responsibility - Part V
- You could sing with them - my kids LOVE the VBS the CD and sing it with them (or purchase some kids praise CD's and listen in the car).
- You must let them see you read and love and cherish the Bible. This is one of the most profound impacts my dad has had on me - EVERY MORNING I saw him reading and loving the Bible!
- You could watch sports with them (or other 'family-friendly' things) and talk through ways someone might or might not display godly, Christ-like character.
On and on the list could go. I leave you (for now) with two interrelated challenges for all dads:
(1) Carve out TIME with your children. Spend time with them. ALOT of time with them. No one has EVER said, 'man, I wish I had spent more time at the office rather than being at home with my family.' Someone may be at the office longer and/or later than you. Someone else may get the 'workaholic' award. Let them get it! You go and let your kids give you the 'best dad in the world' award!
(2) Practically live out Deuteronomy 6 with your family. Read it. Study it. Intentional think through ways you can talk with your kids throughout the day about the ways and purposes and things of God. Ask God for wisdom in doing this and to remind you to do this. He will hear and obey and honor the request. It's not JUST about taking them to church with you. It's not JUST about reading the Bible once a week with them. These things are important for sure. However, if they don't see how it plays out through your life (model the Gospel) and in conversation (talk about the implications of the Gospel), the other things just might become another ritual for them.
If you are saved and God has blessed you with children, He has empowered you already (see Ephesians 2:10) with the skills and tools and wisdom to obey Ephesians 6:4.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:15 AM
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Fathers Who are Serious about Their God-Ordained Responsibility - Part IV
by GC
“Aanjay, there are jobs in the city!” Matius announced. “This could be a chance to build our own future.” When they married, the Lematang custom required Matius (his name meaning “gift of God”) to move into his wife’s home. That would have been okay except that Aanjay’s older sister already had precedence. So Matius and Aanjay discussed how they could build their own future together. Matius had learned of a company exploring for oil and natural gas in an area within the traditional Lematang lands of southern Sumatra. “This could be our chance,” Aanjay agreed. The young couple began to make plans to get jobs with the company.
Generally, the Lematangs live as a community. Their houses face the roadway, which encourages people to visit with each other. Agriculture serves as their primary income and employment. Leaving the home village is rare, but acceptable. Even in another location they remain part of the group. When Matius and Aanjay move to the city, the people of their village will expect them to return for community activities and group decisions. Even if they leave Sunni Islam to follow Christ, they could still visit their home, but they would no longer be members of the community.
Pray that Christ-followers would heed God’s call to give out His Word to people working in the new industries coming to Sumatra. Pray that God would reveal His ultimate gift to the Lematang people.
Posted by
Bro. Matt
10:38 AM
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Two Wonderfully Done Adoption Videos
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:13 PM
Fathers Who are Serious about Their God-Ordained Responsibility - Part III
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:41 PM
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Two Recommended Books from Sunday's Sermon
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:02 PM
Mohler on Manhood and Fathers
"The failure of boys to strive for educational attainment is a sign of looming disaster. Almost anyone who works with youth and young adults will tell you that, as a rule, boys are simply not growing up as fast as girls. This means that their transition to manhood is stunted, delayed, and often incomplete. Meanwhile, the women are moving on.
"The elites are awakening to the fact that these vast changes point to a very different future. Christians had better know that matters far more important than economics are at stake. These trends represent nothing less than a collapse of male responsibility, leadership, and expectations. The real issue here is not the end of men, but the disappearance of manhood."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:56 PM
Fathers Who are Serious about Their God-Ordained Responsibility - Part II
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:42 PM
Monday, June 21, 2010
Get Platt's 'Radical' for $2.49!!!!
Posted by
Bro. Matt
11:32 AM
Fathers Who are Serious about Their God-Ordained Responsibility - Part I
Posted by
Bro. Matt
9:18 AM
Discussion Questions from 06/20/2010 Sermon at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:57 AM
A MUST Read from Jerry Rankin!!!!
"Yet, that night as the time for the IMB report approached it seemed that half the convention center exited. Did they really not care to hear what was being done to reach unengaged people groups and celebrate the impressive response to the gospel being seen overseas? Are they unconcerned about what their missionaries are doing as they go out on their behalf to labor in threatening and hostile areas to fulfill the Great Commission? The next night’s attendance of those hearing the North American Mission Board report was the sparsest crowd of any session.
"Was all our discussion and emotional dialogue about the priority of the Great Commission just rhetoric? It was often stated that everyone is for the Great Commission. There may be disagreement about how we should do it and to what extent changing structure and processes can help us make progress in the task, but is our commitment just in principle and doesn’t really represent the focus and concern of our lives?"
"No, whether or not we have a Great Commission Resurgence won’t happen as a result of the vote last week in Orlando. It will be determined as churches gather for budget planning this fall. It will be decided by people in the pew deciding to be faithful stewards. It will happen when we have a church membership who have done more than just take comfort in having escaped the penalty of hell themselves, but their lives are so transformed by the unmerited grace of God they will be sharing it throughout their community and finding ways to lead their church to be involved in taking the gospel across North America and the world." (emphasis mine)
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:51 AM
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Great Commission Resurgence Task Force Report and SBC Resolutions
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:52 PM
Friday, June 18, 2010
Ronnie Floyd's Final Word on the Week's Passing of the GCR
You can read the whole article he posted here.
His challenge(s) to the convention now that it passed:
"The Southern Baptist Convention has issued the final word - they affirmed the GCR recommendations overwhelmingly. The SBC entities will now begin to implement the will of the convention. We must pray for them. The Convention was clear - let’s make the changes as recommended, and we must present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and make disciples of all th
e nations. The Holy Spirit of God is our power to see this vision fulfilled. It is time for us to come together in love for the sake of the Gospel."
And again,
"Let’s take the challenges in the report and personalize them into our lives, our families, our churches, our state conventions, and our SBC entities. It starts with me. It starts with you. Show your church the GCR five-minute video on a Sunday morning. It will challenge them."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:17 PM
Father's Day Special At!!!
Click here and, when prompted, type in FATHERS610 to receive the special rate/discount.
Whitney's work is very solid and a good practical guide for father's who aim to intentionally lead their families spiritually.
In addition, is currently having their twice-yearly sale on all of their resources. You can download virtually all of their books for $7.49 until July 2nd!!!!
And don't forget that each month offers a free download. This month is Francis Chan's Forgotten God.
Click here and get to reading... I mean listening!!!
Posted by
Bro. Matt
1:58 PM
Reflections on the Southern Baptist Convention
"Prayers and support for the Great Commission Resurgence have been evident. The unified and courageous recommendations of the task force and the gracious but passionate leadership of Johnny Hunt has brought us to the precipice of a new future. But voting for the GCR has by no means produced a resurgence of anything. It remains for our prayers and commitment to be devoted to the implementation that must follow."
Posted by
Bro. Matt
6:53 AM
Monday, June 14, 2010
Discussion Questions from 06/13/2010 Sermon at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
5:38 AM
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Recommended Books from E-Family June 9th, 2010
Posted by
Bro. Matt
7:46 AM
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
E-Family Case Studies - June 9th, 2010
Posted by
Bro. Matt
2:21 PM
Monday, June 7, 2010
Discussion Questions from 06/06/2010 Sermon at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
8:18 PM
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Helps for Parents from the Al Mohler Radio Program
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:47 PM
Two Great Articles Today at Baptist Twenty One
"My heart is full of confidence. God did something 20 years ago in the Southern Baptist Convention that was almost unheard of and has no counterpart in American religious history: He brought us back from the swamp of liberalism. The conservative resurgence was, in every way, a move of God. I cannot believe that He did that just to let us die in the wilderness of missional ineffectiveness. What God starts, He is always willing to finish. The naysayers have already prophesied the doom of our Convention—just like they did in Nehemiah’s day, in Jesus’ day, and in the early church. But they were wrong then, and they are wrong now.
"But we need your help. Do not commit the sin of Meroz, whose tribe was cursed because he did not come “to the help of the Lord” when the battle was being fought (Judges 5:23). I’d urge you not to be caught on the sidelines in this strategic hour of battle.
"Please, let’s be together in this movement in Orlando.
"So there it is… To our church planting teams in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Africa… this is for you guys. We’re expecting great things from God, and attempting great things for Him. Believe together with us, OK?"
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:40 PM
The GCR In a Nutshell by Trevin Wax
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:35 PM
Two Interesting and Helpful Summer Reading Book Lists
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:28 PM
Download Francis Chan's 'Forgotten God' for Free!
Posted by
Bro. Matt
12:20 PM
Discussion Questions from 05/30/2010 Sermons at WBC
Posted by
Bro. Matt
5:21 AM