Monday, November 17, 2008

You Might Have the Desire to Be Rich If...

Yesterday morning, during my message from 1 Timothy 6:9-10, I mentioned 10 scenarios that if true might mean you have the dangerous and sinful desire to be rich. Here they are...

1. If you play the lottery and/or gamble in other capacities, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

2. If you use your credit card to purchase things you cannot afford or immediately pay off, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

3. If you desire to move and/or change jobs for the sole purpose of making more money, though you and your family are growing spiritually and being challenged spiritually, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

4. If you assume God blessed you with a raise or a great crop or a plethora of business so that you can upgrade your possessions you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

5. If your entire mood is affected by the up or down swing of the stock market you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

6. If the way you voted in this past election was solely based on the present economic crisis, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

7. If you think more about what you might get for Christmas instead of what you can give for the sake of love for others, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

8. If you base your tithe amount off of what you have at the end of the month instead of what you make, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

9. If you think Bro. Matt’s challenge to give more to Lottie Moon than you spend on Christmas gifts is absolutely absurd, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

10. If God has called you to missions, but you refuse to heed it due to not wanting to sell everything and receive a much smaller salary, you might be guilty of having the desire to be rich.

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