Monday, March 16, 2009

The Kind of Woman I Pray My Sons Meet and Marry

Sermon Outline From Yesterday...

1. Is genuinely and authentically a ‘born again’ follower of Christ Jesus.

Acts 16:11-15
Matthew 13:44

2. Is a bold, courageous risk-taker for others who embraces the complete sovereignty of God in all things.

Esther 4:12-17

3. Is drop dead gorgeous due to being biblically beautiful.

1 Timothy 2:9-10
Proverbs 31:30

4. Sees marriage and motherhood as a calling from God for God, not a “love game” determined by emotions.

Ephesians 5:22-33

5. Loves Jesus more than self, sex, shopping, sports, reputation, money, family, luxury and life.

Luke 7:36-50
Luke 14:26-27

Here's a link to the article by Dr. Al Mohler that I quoted from yesterday.

Here's a link to the book by Voddie Baucham I mentioned yesterday.

A few other sites you might be interested in regarding biblical and godly womanhood are:

**Please note that just because I recommend a site does not mean that I endorse every word on that particular site. I recommend them because I believe they would be helpful in your walk with Christ and your journey to grow toward a more complete biblical woman.

1 comment:

Kaye Butler said...

Just wanted to let you know that was a wonderful sermon. I've linked you on my blog. Everyone is excited to read! See, I won't be your only reader, ha ha.