Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Convicting Quote I Read Today

"On your first day on the other side of the grave, do you think you’ll look back on this life and be flooded with gratitude for hours spent watching episodes of American Idol and Lost? Do you think you’ll look back fondly on the effort and money spent remodeling the kitchen? Do you think you’ll be glad you were up-to-date on the juicy details of celebrity lives? Will you be thankful for the hours, days, weeks, years you lived feeling victimized and sorry for yourself? Will you regret not spending more time at the office? Will you wish you had been more of a people pleaser? Will you miss your caffeine....or Facebook?

Me neither."

(Found this quote on a blog post by Zach Nielson)

1 comment:

Gina Clegg said...

I so want every minute, no...every second, to count for Christ. He never wasted a minute while He walked the earth. He could be found in quiet fellowship with His Father or giving sight to the blind, teaching His disciples the truth or offering a drink of Living Water to a sinful woman. And now, He ever lives to make intercession for ME! Oh, what a Savior!