Friday, May 14, 2010

Interesting New Data from Thom Rainer

This week, Thom Rainer has posted two articles of interest for those involved with church leadership.

The first deals with major trends for churches in America. Read the entire post here. The five major trends he identifies are:

1. Our nation will see the emergence of the largest generational mission field in over a century.

2. The dominant attitude of this huge generation toward Christianity will be largely indifferent.

3. Senior adult ministries in churches will experience steep declines.

4. The large Boomer generation will become more receptive to the Gospel.

5. Family will be a key value for both of the large generations.

He concludes:

"Trend projecting is a meaningless exercise if it fails to engender action. Ultimately each local church must determine where God is leading the congregation. In the case of the five trends noted here, the opportunities seem significant. May the response of Christians and churches be nothing less than radical obedience."

The second post is entitled, "Why Church Guests Return."

He provided three main reasons:

1. Doctrinal Integrity.

2. Passion.

3. Relevance.

Read the whole post here.

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