Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Poison of Quaint Moralism

I don't know Tyler Jones, but I think he gets it EXACTLY right about the main problem with Chrisitianity in the South.

Click here to read his hard, yet correct assessment of 'Southern' Christians.

A portion:

"The South has been poisoned, and the poison is "quaint moralism." This poison has systematically infected tens of millions in the South and we are now in the midst of a moralistic pandemic. Who has dispensed this quaint moralistic poison? The blame lies with Christianity! We have blared from pulpits, on radio waves, even in movie theaters that "it's good to be good." We have taught that when you do what the Bible says, your wife will obey, your dog will obey, and your kids will obey. For decades now we have filled churches by declaring that those among us who are ethical churchgoers will be accepted by God and those of us who don't go to church will burn, burn, burn."

And again,

"Our churches are full of good-looking, upright, moral people. The tragic irony is that our goodness is our poision. A great many Southerners claim Christianity as their religion, mimicking righteousness on the surface while their hearts remain unchanged by the gospel of Jesus. I understand the gravity of that statement and do not make it hastily. Here in the South, the gospel has either been ignored or foolishly assumed. We have satiated our desire for God through quaint morality, allowing people to ignore their need for Jesus."

May God help us.

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