Monday, May 17, 2010

Jerry Rankin Gets it Done...Again

Jerry Rankin posted an article at his blog this morning entitled "Rhetoric or Obedience?"

Very, very powerful and needed not just for the GCR discussion (as important and needed as it is related to that!!!), but also for all church leaders and all followers of Christ.

I urge you to read it for yourself here.

His conclusion (emphasis mine):

"We must see what truly fulfilling the Great Commission entails. It means sacrificing a lot of what we are currently doing, including the traditional structure and programs with which we are familiar. Are we not willing to give it up and make some changes for the sake of a lost world for which Christ gave His life? If we are to see a Great Commission Resurgence among Southern Baptists, there is a command to be obeyed, a commitment to be made, a cost to be paid and a compromise to evade. Mere rhetoric won’t get the job done."

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