Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why David Platt Wholeheartedly Supports the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force's Recommendations

Read it here.

A portion:

"For this reason, precisely because of the influence of Southern Baptists on my life, I am not interested in what is best for the Southern Baptist Convention. No, I was created for and called to something much greater than this. We were all created for and called to something much greater than this. We have been placed in a world with nearly 7 billion people comprising over 16,000 people groups. Over 6,000 of those people groups still have little to no access to the gospel, and my Savior (our Savior) has commanded us to take the gospel to every single one of those people groups. He has not just said, “Get the gospel to as many people as you can.” He has said, clearly and unmistakably, “Make disciples of all the people groups.” Therefore, the energies of my life and the resources of the church I lead must be radically committed to making disciples in Birmingham, AL, who are taking the gospel to as many of those 6,000 people groups as we possibly can. That is where my allegiance lies. That is where Southern Baptists have taught me my allegiance should be."

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! May his tribe increase.

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