Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mohler on Manhood

This morning on my run I listened to Monday's edition of the Albert Mohler Radio Program. It was a very interesting conversation about biblical boyhood and manhood and the need to recover the biblical understanding of it.

If you click here you can listen or downoad the broadcast for yourself. You can also link to his 13 Marks of Manhood which I am helped by and agree with totally. Read through what he says for yourself, but below are the 13 Marks.

1. Spiritual Maturity sufficient to lead a wife and children.

2. Personal Maturity sufficient to be a responsible husband and father.

3. Economic Maturity sufficient to hold an adult job and handle money.

4. Physical Maturity sufficient to work and protect a family.

5. Sexual Maturity sufficient to marry and fulfill God's purposes.

6. Moral Maturity sufficient to lead as an example of righteousness.

7. Ethical Maturity sufficient to make responsible decisions.

8. Worldview Maturity sufficient to understand what is really important.

9. Relational Maturity sufficient to understand and respect others.

10. Social Maturity sufficient to make a contribution to society.

11. Verbal Maturity sufficient enought to communicate and articulate as a man.

12. Character Maturity sufficient to demonstrate courage under fire.

13. Biblical Maturity sufficient to lead at some level in the church.

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