Monday, April 6, 2009

The 'Passion' Week of Jesus - Post #1

Everyday this week I plan to post some Scriptures to read so as to further think through the last week of Jesus' life here on the earth (prior to His crucifixion and resurrection). For anyone who takes time to read through and think through and ponder the texts, I would love to hear how the Lord speaks to you from His Word.


Gina Clegg said...

Judas was willing to betray Christ for 30 pieces of silver (about 4 months wages) and the woman (identified in John's gospel as Mary) anointed Christ with expensive ointment valued at 300 denarii (equivalent to about a year's wages) to prepare Him for burial. What a stark contrast in the value and devotion that these two individuals placed on Jesus Christ!

Dianne said...

What this meant to me was there is always somebody going to have something to say about what you do. If Mary felt led to annoint the feet of Jesus with expensive oils, that is exactly what she should have done. You should do what God leads you to do, no matter what man may say. It should be done for the glory of God, not as a show before man.

Kaye Butler said...

The deciples and the woman knew the crucifixion was near. She chose to spend her precious time with him showing him compassion and love. They chose to complain about her wasting expensive oil that she could have sold, yet, very shortly one of their own would give him away for a mear 30 pieces of silver.

Do not take for granted the people you have right now, treat them at all time with the utmost compassion and love because your time wiht them is short.

Tim McNatt said...

Isn't it "odd" that Jesus plainly tells them in Matt 26:2 that he is about to be crucified...yet:
a. There is no further dialogue from the disciples to Jesus about it (wouldn't you think that would have become a focus discussion for the disciples?).
b. That the next event in Scripture is the disciples being "indignant" about the perfume poured on Jesus being wasted (wouldn't you think they would not be worried about money, when Jesus was about to die).

Correspondingly, isn't it odd that:
a. People all around us are about to die and spend eternity separate from God...yet it is not a focused discussion for us.
b. That we value material things more than Christ...who gave us everything that we could ever need.

Tim McNatt said...

Isn't it "odd" that Jesus plainly told the disciples he was about to be crucified in Matthew 26:2, yet:
a. There is no documented discussion of this by the disciples.
b. That right after this announcement, the disciples were "indignant" and worried about money being wasted on Jesus that could have been used for something else.

Reminds me of another situation around us that also seems "odd":
a. People all around us may have only days to live, yet we can't bring up a discussion of the Eternal Hope that is within us.
b. We treasure and focus on material things, when Christ is all we need.